Tuesday, April 24, 2012


2011-2012 Knights of Columbus Officers
      Elected Officers                                                 Joliet Columbian Club  (Building Assoc.  

     Grand Knight                         Louie Mau                                  President                   Bob Schmitt (PGK)
     Deputy Grand Knight              Dick Foecking                             Vice-president            Bob Kinmonth
     Chancellor                            Bill Schmitt                                 Secretary                   Jim Lawler
     Warden                                Bob Kinmouth                              Treasurer                   Bob Kobe (PGK)
     Recording Secretary              Jose Vargas                                Board member            Don Hawver
     Treasurer                             Jim Lawler                                   Board member            Bill Schmitt
     Trustee for 1 years               Jim Cumpston                               Board member            Bill Jenkins
     Trustee for 2 years               Dave Kaluzny                               Grand Knight Rep.       Louie Mau
     Trustee for 3 years               Jeff Greenberg (PGK)                    Deputy  G. K. Rep.      Dick Foecking
     Outside Guard                     George Onderak                            Trustee Rep.              Jeff Greenberg (PGK)
     Inside Guard                       Rich Baran
     Advocate                            John Gallo
              Appointed Officers                                                                     Insurance Agent

     Chaplain                       Fr. Timothy Andres
     District Deputy              Bernie Lawrence                                General Agent - Michael Lodato - 970.901.9873
     Financial Secretary         Len Micklich       
     Lecturer                       Bob Kobe (PGK)


Monday - 7th -  Bean Bag Leagues start at 7 pm
Thursday - 10th - Council Meeting at 7 pm
Sunday - 13th - Pancake Breakfast from 8 am - 11 am
Monday - 14th -  Bean Bag Leagues start at 7 pm
Monday - 21st - Bean Bag Leagues start at 7 pm
Tuesday - 22nd - Joliet Columbian Club meets and 6 pm.
Every Friday   -   Our Famous Fish Fry and More runs from 11 am until 8 pm.
                         -   Country Dancing in our hall from 8:30 pm.
                          -   Karaoke begins in our lounge at 9 pm.


 On behalf of the officers of Council #382 I want to thank everyone for your generous donation to our Tootsie Roll Drive.  Thanks to all of you we were able to donate almost $500 to each of the following organizations: Trinity Services, United Cerebral Palsy, and Cornerstone Services.

Bill Schmitt, Council #382 Chancellor and Tootsie Roll Chairman


In June the Council and the Columbian Club will hold elections for officers and board members for the 2012 - 2013 fraternal year.  If you are interested in serving your fellow Knights, please contact our Grand Knight, Louie Mau or the Columbian Club president, Bob Schmitt.  You can also send an email indicating your interest to :


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