Thursday, January 19, 2012



Sunday - 5th - Super Bowl Party (See below)

Monday - 6th -  Bean Bag Leagues start at 7 pm

Wednesday - 8th - Pasta Night from 4 - 6:30 pm

Thursday - 9th - Council 382 meets at 7 pm

Monday - 13th  - Bean Bag Leagues start at 7 pm.

Wednesday - 15th - Chicken Noodle Soup Dinner from 4 pm - 6:30 pm

Sunday - 19th - Pancake Breakfast from 8 am - 11 am

Monday - 20th - Bean Bag Leagues start at 7 pm

Monday - 27th - Joliet Columbian Club meets and 7 pm. 
                             - Bean Bag League plays at 7 pm

Every Friday   -   Our Famous Fish Fry and More runs from 11 am until 8 pm.
                          -   Country Dancing in our hall from 8:30 pm.
                          -   Karaoke begins in our lounge at 9 pm.


We will be having a Super Bowl Party on Sunday, February 5, 2012.  Free food and discounted drink prices will be available.  Everyone is  invited to bring a dish to pass, last year some of you went above and beyond with your contribution.  Our Lounge will open at 3:00 pm, some come early and get a good seat at the bar or pick our your table(s) for card games or other fun activities.  We will have raffle prizes and door prizes at half time and after the game. 

We still have a few raffle tickets left for our 42" Samsung flat screen tv.  The winning ticket will be drawn at our Super Bowl party.  Tickets are $10 each and only 200 will be sold.  Please see one of our bartenders to purchase yours.


Reprinted from Fr. Tim’s Catholic Corner

I recently received a question from a parishioner who watched a program on the History Channel that said that Adam had a wife before Eve.  The parishioner went on to say that she had heard this before and that the first wife’s name was Lilith.  She asked if I could clear up the confusion presented by this television program.

I am always grateful to answer questions such as these to clear up misunderstandings and falsehoods that are often presented through the media as fact or as well-researched hypotheses that have been suppressed or ignored by authority or institutions.

There were legends that became part of Jewish folklore in the Middle Ages that pro-offered that Adam had a wife before Eve who was named “Lilith”, but it has no foundation in the Old Testament or the accepted rabbinical teachings of Judaism.  The legends vary significantly, but they all essentially agree that “Lilith” left Adam because she did not want to submit to him.  According to these legends, “Lilith” was an evil woman who committed adultery with Satan and produced a race of evil creatures.

The specific passage in the Old Testament most often pointed to as evidence for “Lilith” is Isaiah 34:14, which reads in some translations, “there too Lilith shall repose”.  Many scripture scholars consider this a poor translation.  They believe it should read “night creature” or “lamia”(i.e., from classical mythology: a monster, half woman and half serpent, who sucked the blood of her victims).  Even if this monster referred to in Isaiah was correctly translated as “Lilith” was intended to describe, it is not given any connection whatsoever to Adam or the Creation story.

Another common theory used to support this legend is the differing Creation accounts in Genesis chapters 1 and 2.  Those who put this theory forward claim that the woman mentioned in Genesis 1 was “Lilith”, with the woman in Genesis 2 being Eve.  This is a complete misreading and misinterpretation of the purpose for two Creation stories present at the beginning of the Book of Genesis.  The second Creation story is intended as a more thorough look at the creation of Adam and Eve as recorded in Genesis Chapter 1.  We know that the Bible specifically says that Adam and Eve were the first human beings ever created (Genesis 1:26-28; 2;28-25).

This “Lilith” myth has become popular today because of the interest in the New Age movement, whose philosophies and adherents are often based in radical feminism.  They present this mythological “Lilith” as an example of a woman unwilling to submit to male domination.  The resulting “Lilith” legend is used today as source material in Western culture, literature, occultism, fantasy and horror.  In conclusion, there is no historical evidence that Adam had a wife prior to Eve.

114  YEARS

2011-2012 Knights of Columbus Officers
      Elected Officers                                                 Joliet Columbian Club  (Building Assoc.  

     Grand Knight                         Louie Mau                                  President                   Bob Schmitt (PGK)
     Deputy Grand Knight              Dick Foecking                             Vice-president            Bob Kinmonth
     Chancellor                            Bill Schmitt                                 Secretary                   Jim Lawler
     Warden                                Bob Kinmouth                              Treasurer                   Bob Kobe (PGK)
     Recording Secretary              Jose Vargas                                Board member            Don Hawver
     Treasurer                             Jim Lawler                                   Board member            Bill Schmitt
     Trustee for 1 years               Jim Cumpston                               Board member            Bill Jenkins
     Trustee for 2 years               Dave Kaluzny                               Grand Knight Rep.       Louie Mau
     Trustee for 3 years               Jeff Greenberg (PGK)                    Deputy  G. K. Rep.      Dick Foecking
     Outside Guard                     George Onderak                            Trustee Rep.              Jeff Greenberg (PGK)
     Inside Guard                       Rich Baran
     Advocate                            John Gallo
              Appointed Officers                                                                     Insurance Agent

     Chaplain                       Fr. Timothy Andres
     District Deputy              Bernie Lawrence                                General Agent - Michael Lodato - 970.901.9873
     Financial Secretary         Len Micklich       
     Lecturer                       Bob Kobe (PGK)